
Team Cardinal Winds (PMD-U Official App)

Deviation Actions

Spirit-nature's avatar

Literature Text

Date Joined: 25-9-13
Current Funds: 6 St

Merits: 1
Strikes: 0


Species: Lillipup
Nature: Mild
Characteristic: Highly curious
Gender: Male       Age: 17
Ability: Pick Up

Strength: 2                 Agility: 2
Intelligence: 4            Charisma: 0(+2)

Total Points Left: 2/10
Type Bonus: Normal -> Charisma  

Ice Fang


-Free Accesory Voulcher
----Description: A item that allows the purchase of a Template Accesory completely free in Chantelle's shop.

-Apricorn Necklace
----Description: A bead necklace made from apricorn husks. The seeds inside mke a soft rattling sound when shaken,but it's also a little eerie. (Allows the use of the move Worry Seed.)

-Item 3


Species: Spearow
Nature: Brave
Characteristic: Likes to fight
Gender: Male            Age: 16
Ability: Keen Eye

Strength: 3                Agility: 0(+2)
Intelligence: 3           Charisma: 1

Total Points Left: 3/10
Type Bonus: Flying -> Agility

Fury Attack
Aerial Ace


-White Template Armband
----Description: A simple and white-coloured armband that Lancelot wears in his left leg. The white colour of the armband remembers Lancelot to the clouds of the sky,and is almost impossible to see Lancelot without it,and it could be said that it has a strange attachment to it.

-Evolution Slip
----Description: A permission awarded to guild members who play exceptional service.

-Item 3

========== WRITTEN TEST ==========

As it was usual in the city of Andalusst,the day of its citiziens began early in the morning,as the activity of the city increased with the arrival of the first rays of sunlight,as the numerous habitants of Andalusst awoke and began to go out of their houses to attend and prepare the opening of their shops and business,or simply to go out,to the large and extense main streets of the city and enjoy the intense activity and hustle that was one of the characteristic featured of this city,as  that the morning advanced,the streets began to floood with authentic currents of Pokémon that walked across the streets,some looking for some of the diverse and disparate goods that the different shops and stalls that could be found scattered in many points of the city,with special frequence in meeting points as squares,while others simply walked across the city,enjoying the morning and the intense activity that accompanied it.
In the center of all that movement and continuous hustle,two Pokemon treated to break through  the croewded streets of the city:a little Lillipup,with his ears perked up and moving continuously,listening the slightest sounds of the street,and his noise smelling all the diversas scents that mixed in the bustling street,pertaining to the different Pokemon that transited the avenue,and of the different fruits and other goods that were exposed in the stalls
that occupied the sides of the street. At his side advanced,with step nervous but constant,that  he alternated ocasionally with fast and short jumps,shortly after suffering some stumble,as the claws of the little bird weren´t prepared for that kind of movement. In fact,it was a locomotion method rather inusual for a bird,or for any Flying Type,specially in that situation,as the most logical option would been to fly over the roofs and the crowd of the long avenue,exactly as many of these chose to do,while the Spearow aparently preferred to have his claws in solid land,although that supposed to have to maneuver in the suffocating cloud of passers that occupied the avenue. As they walked through the crowded avenue,the Lillipup,Morse,looked curiously at the sides of the street,where the stralls and other establishments,noticing that the quantity of goods exposed at that improvised shops was notoriously less than the other days,and the cause of that shortage could be found in the sky,as the habitualy clear blue sky was being covered,slowly but constantly,by dark clouds that menaced with drop their charge over the bustling city. Morse understood the caution of the traders that guarded their goods,as he though that everyone sane would try to protect the exotic and valious products that were sold in Andalusst of anything that could perjudicar the mercancía that was its main fuente de sustento. However,he found that the sky over Andalusst in that morning,with the beautiful contraste that formed the tonalidades of gray and other dark colours of the clouds that hovered over the city in plena reconstrucción. frente a the big and alargada streak of clear blue sky that se abría paso across the cover of clouds,bringing light and calidez to the morning in the city,was a sight worth of being portrayed.

The duo continued walking untiringly through the long street,the two Pokemon couldn´t help but felt surprised ante the fast and busy rythm that the transit and other activities in the city always mantained,and it was even more surprising taking into account the recent events that had shaked the city. It was almost impossible to believe that,only a few days ago,Andalusst was under the attack of a giant golem,that suddenly woke up in the city and,for unknown reasons,began to destroy its surroundings and to attack innocent citiziens. Fortunately,the collaboration of the three guilds of Andalusst acheved in leading it away of the city and to calming it down,and now,it worked to reconstruct the city and coexisted peacefully with the rest of habitants of the city. And Morse and Lancelot were two of the Pokemon that helped to stop the golem,and they earned a place in the Explorers Guild by doing that selfless action: that was the main reason of their long walk across the city,as they wanted to see by themselves the general quarter of the guild that they joined. And it seemed that they have just arrived to it. They have just stopped in front of a building of a considerable size,but without any ornaments or decorative elements that would make the Explorers Guild Hall a llamative building. However,the entry en forma de arco and the doors abiertas de par en par,that gave the building of the Explorers a very reconfortante and welcoming appearance,as it seemed to invite to enter to anyone that wanted to,independientemente of them forming part of the guild or not. That specially reconfortaba Morse and Lancelot,as they weren't native to Andalusst,and finding a place that seemed to be so open and welcoming was a relief for the two,as finding a place so homely helped  them to feel less stranger to a big and bustling city like Andalusst.

They stayed momentarily in front of the building,seeing the traffic of Pokemon of the more diverse species,shapes and sizes that entered and left constantly the general quarter of the Explorers. Although the traffic of Pokemon that entered or left the buiding continously was considerably minor than the traffic of Pokemon that walked by the street,it wasn't a negligible number,specially when compared to the inmense quantity of Pokemon that walked across the street. As Morse and Lancelot were to enter inside the builiding,Lancelot began to smooth and to groom the feathers of his right wing,and successively,began to repeat the same action in the left wing,doing that in both wings alternatively. The strange action was a nervous habit of Lancelot,and a funny view since the point of view of Morse,as Lancelot aamoothed and touched so carefully each wing,as he feared that his wings would fall out of his body. Although that habit was really funny for Morse,the smile that was outlining in his his face disappeared brusquely when he saw the scar that left without feathers a little part of his left wing, appearently a insignificant detail,that was the cause of all the flight problems that Lancelot had since he hurt his wing accidentaly a an early age,and that had impedido Lancelot to desenvelop all his flight capacities,and now,incluso when he was supposed to had desenveloped all his flight capacities,he still had serious problems to fly properly:he couldn´t fly at high altitudes,nor during a prolonged time,as trying to fly at high altitudes or during many time caused him pain in the left wing,and tired him greatly,until the point of the most complete exhaustion. Morse,por su parte,cursed,and at the same time,thanked the  that scar,the last not without remorse,as although it caused a lot of hard times to Lancelot,if it wouldn´t be for that scar,they wouldn´t never met.

“Calm down,Lancelot.” Morse says to his partner,in a reassuring voice,trying to dissipate the fear of nervous thoughs that could be rounding the mind of the Spearow. “We are now part of this guild. Those are our partners,and I have the feeling that the Hall is going to be like our second home. There is no reason to be scared.” Morse continued,as he tried to calm down his partner,pointing first to the continuous traffic of Pokemon that entered and left the Hall,and after to the building in front of them. The reaction of Lancelot was,first an startled jump that interrupted his grooming,and after that,he looked rather nervously to his partner,before nodding to show agreement to his partner.

Lancelot,somewhat more relaxed than before,began to advance,with dubitativo paso to the open entrance of the Hall,and his partner  joined him in his walk towards the entrance of the building,but before entering in the Explorers Guild Hall,the svelte figure of a Servine that,brief moments before,was leaning relaxedly against one of the walls nearby to the
Hall entrance,walked towards them at fast paso,and greeted them with a nod. Although the Servine seemed friendly and posibly was one of the members of the Explorers,the red glow that gave off her eyes,shadowed by her hat,resulted somewhat disturbing for Morse and Lancelot. However,they waited still while the Servine came closer to them,as they considered that was an opportunity to meet new people,and to familiarize with the city and its habitants,as,having arrived only a few days before the attack of the giant,they didn't know   the major part of the city.
The Servine that had come closer to the two now seemed to grow a little wary of Morse and Lancelot,just as the Lillipup and the Spearow began to feel about the strange Servine,that looked at them  with her ruby eyes.

"Hey... New, are you?" The tone of the voice of the Servine sounded kind to the ars of Morse and Lancelot,but as cautious as her actitude towards them at that moment. "Hmm, stupid question. 'Course you are, I saw you sign in. Admittedly I'm not great with this meet and greet stuff, so how about exchanging names to start things off? You first."
Seeing that the Servine simply seemed interested in them,although the reasons of her interest escaped them,and assuming that the Servine was one of the members of the Explorers,Morse let his mistrust over the Servine to fade. Lancelot,on his behalf,continued a bit tense,but he didn't seem to suspect of the Servine nor be particularly hostil towards her,as the little bird  looked at her,with his head tilded to a side,a gesture that in him denoted curiosity.
“Well,my name is Morse.” He said politely to the Servine,before pointing with a gesto of his head to Lancelot. “And he is my partner,Lancelot.” When his was mentioned,he inclined his head as a  greeting. Lancelot seemed to had abandoned his supicions and wariness towards the Explorer Servine,and at that moment,he seemed as curious as his partner about the Servine that so suddenly had apptoached them,and the feeling seemed to be reciprocal,as the tone of the Servine when she answered sounded more relaxed than the last time she spoke.
"Ahh, that's great. Yeah, when you said your name just then, it had that... that "zing". It means you're serious about this, yeah? As for me, my name's Teresa. I'm what you'd call a Guild Assistant, which makes me your Serperior."

The ears of Morse perked up to show his surprise when Teresa mentioned her rango within the guild,as he didn´t expect to meet someone of the superior members of the guild so soon,tan sólo at the next day of their official registration as members of the guild. At the time,seeing himself in front of a superior,Lancelot took the iniative talk:
”Nice to meet you,miss Teresa,its an  pleasure to serve in this guild with you.”  
He said as he bowed his head,and,after saying that,closed his beak with brusqueness,as he used to do. Although Teresa seemed to be surprised by this display of respect and politeness,Morse wasn´t surprised eat all,as he knew that,despite the silent actitude of his partner and his habit of speak only when he had something to say,Lancelot was able to be an a excelent speaker,if he wanted to be. However,that display of respect seemed to be quite amusing at the eyes of the Servine,as she began to giggle.
"You know, you don't have to be so polite. I don't really care about rank and file, but I do care about honesty. If I tell a joke and it sucks, feel free to roll your eyes."

After Teresa made that reassuring affirmation,Morse and Lancelot felt more relaxed with her presence,as they felt like the weight of the mannerisms and protocol that its supposed to maintain in front of a superior leave their shoulders. They thanked greatly the friendly actitude  that she expressed towards them,and the next gesture of Teresa,extending one of the long vines that,until that moment,she kept hidden, as a handshake only increased that feeling of camarederie and familiariity that seemed to be characteristic of the Explorers Guild,at which Morse responded rather timidly,still somewhat intimidated by the presence of the Servine,extending one of his paws and shaking the vine of the Servine with nervous air,after what she withdrawed her vine to its original position. Then,Teresa seemed to find the perfect topic to restart the conversation:
"So what brings you here, anyway? You from out of town, or...?"

With that question,Teresa seemed to catch the attention of Morse,as him se apresuró to answer,that time with more enthusiasm than before:
“Yes,yes!We are outsiders of the town:in fact,we arrived to Andalusst just a few days before the attack of the statue,from a little village located at the...the...” At contrast with the enthusiasm that he had showed moments ago,at that moment he began tohesitate,visibly doubtful,as his  partner seemed to be unable to help him. “At the north of here,I think.” He finally said. “It is very difficult to inside the fog,so we can't give you a proper answer.” He said,before answering to the other question that the Servine posed him. “As for what purpose bring us to this bustling city... Its probable that you have heard many times before:we found Andalusst by chance. We didn't know  that it existed. Before finding this city,we were traveling across the lands of the north,when we got trapped in the fog,and wandered until we avistamos the beacon of light that guided us to Andalusst.” He said,finishing his tale,while Lancelot nodded vigoroously,with the intention of reaffirming the veracidad of the story told by Morse,and the answer of Teresa arrived fastly.
"Cool, cool... Well, whatever the case, you've got a name in mind for your group, right? I didn't get a chance to check your papers, but I do want to get more familiar with our rookie members when I have the time. I'm kinda new to this whole assistant thing, honestly."

Morse answered quickly,smiling slightly while he did so. He didn't smile only by the mixture of joy and pride that it produced the mention of the name of his team,sino también by the simple joy of maintaining a pointless conversation with someone. Although Morse loved to talk with other Pokémon,he hadn't the opportunity of talking with many of the habitants of Andalusst,so he thanked the attention that Teresa was giving them. Lancelot,although that didn't take part with  frequency in the conversation,felt much more comfortable with the  company of the Servine that he was been moments ago,and followed closely the conversation.
“The name of our team is:”Cardinal Winds”We chosed that name after arriving to Andalusst. We find it quite appropiate for an  Explorer team.” After saying the name of their team,Teresa smiled
alegremente,although it was difficult to discern her opinion about the name of their team.  
"There's that "zing" again. Feels good to know we've got Pokémon like you joining our Guild. I guess Cassidy wasn't exaggerating when he said the standouts just keep pouring in. Just don't get cocky - confidence is good, but overconfidence in a dungeon is a quick way to get yourself in trouble, along with everyone else in your party." Morse and Lancelot nodded to show their agreement with her last affirmation.  
"Oh right, this is very important - why did you want to become an Explorer, hm? Just curious..."

After that question,the ears of Morse moved nervously in all directions  as he medited the answer that he was going to give. He considered that topic as a very essential question that deserved a proper reflexion before answer. However,Morse didn't use much time in thinking his answer before answering the question that posed the Servine. “Since I can remember,I have shown a big curiosity by the world that surrounded me: I always wanted to know more about how the world worked and continued alive. I know that,with that preferences,the Researchers could seem the most appropiate guild for me to join,but I always thought that the best form to study the world its to explore it,to discover new places,and new frontiers... Being at the first line,for saying it some way. Also I always wanted to travel and see the world,and the thought of being able to do that at the time I help other Pokemon making their lives better. I think it makes this guild perfect for me.” In the moment that Morse finished to exponer his motives to join the Explorers,Lancelot decided to explain his own motivations himself,advancing a step forward as he opened his beak to express the causes that had conducted him to joining the Explorers:
“My main motivee for joining the Explorers,is that I think that the Explorers Guild and myself have a similar ideology and a moral code,arriving to coincide at some points.” He began,pausing during a brief moment to take air,before continuing talking: “I simply can't stand to see any good Pokemon suffering by any motive,and less when its another who is causing that suffering. I have that wish,of being able of helping anothers in need. Also,I have a curiosity for another cultures and ideologies,and,as Morse,I always wanted to travel and see the world. Because              
that,I think that this is the guild that best suits me.” With that phrase,Lancelot finished his explanation,but as he opened the beak to add something more,Teresa se hastened to speak again:
"...Because ultimately, the people come first, yeah? There's lots of food in the dungeons, and materials for clothing and medicine! When we go out and find that stuff, it means everyone here gets to have dinner. I mean, you know that, obviously, but just don't forget!"

Morse and Lancelot guarded silence as Teresa seemed to be suddenly lost in her thoughts,swaying her tail from side to side,before formulate her next quetion,this time with a hint of prepotency:
"N-not to sound standoffish, but what exactly do you do, anyway? What skills or talents do you have to offer the Guild? Everyone's good at something, I think."

Morse tilted his head with curiosity as he observed,not without being a bit confused,the slight change of actitude of the Servine. Ante the slight surprise of Morse,Lancelot decided to answer Teresa first,not without a glimpse of irritation in his voice,caused by the sudden vanity of the Servine: “Well,I haven't the best flight,but in the distances that I am able to go over without stopping for recovering,I am very fast. I am very good in the flight of short distances. I am able to feel slight changes in the direction and strength of the wind,too. But,above all,I believe that I can say that I am brave,and I think that its my best talent,if it can be said that way.”  As he finished speaking,Lancelot stepped back and did a gesture with the head to his partner,encouraging silently his partner to speak,thing that he did when he noticed the gesture:
“I suppose I can say that my curiosity is the best talent that I own. My curiosity have always helped me in many situations,to learn more and to continue always forward. At least I can say that it never got me into any dangerous situation...” Before he could continue speaking,Morse was cut by Teresa,that began to speak hurriedly,as she had realized of something extraordinary and couldn't wait to share her discovery with them.
"I can just feel it, you do what you do and do it with everything you've got. 'Cause in this guild, when a giver gives, then the giver gets... gotten... gets give-- eh, well you get what you give, or something. Whatever, it's written down on that big plaque in the hall. Just do your best and come to see me if you need any help."

Lancelot tilted his head compassionately when Teresa began to fumble with her words,  knowing very well how it that feel,specially when you were talking to strangers,as it was very embarrasing. As Teresa despedía them with that encouraging and friendly words,Lancelot and Morse thanked her by her company,and Lancelot did again a bow with his head. It seemed that it wasn't going to be any way to make Lancelot to stop doing his signals of respect in front of their superiors,despite the words of the Servine. They observed the Servine go away during a moment before continuing their own way,as Morse comented his partner:
“I am glad that we can be part of this Guild. Everyone here seems so friendly and approachable... And we have the opportunity to do what we like more.”
“Yes,that is true.” Lancelot sighed as mode of answer to his partner. “I have no doubt that,if we stay into this guild,we will have many surprises.” Due to the neutral tone of the Lancelot while he was saying that words,it was impossible to discern if he see that as positive or negative,so his partner only could nod in agreement as they continued their way to the Explorers Guild.
This is my team for the PMD-U group. They are explorers.

Update(01-08-15): As of late, I have experienced some serious difficulties trying to write new stories and adventures for this team, as it results impossible for me to develop or create new concepts and ideas related to these characters. I think this problem is due to the way in which the story,personality,and traits that Morse and Lancelot have, as they leave little room to any kind of character development. Therefor, I have decided to reconsider and rebuild Morse and Lancelot personalities, creating another team for them in this process. This means that Cardinal Winds's adventures will be discontinued, but will remain here for anyone who wishes to read them.

Mission Log:
Mission 1:The Attack of the Giant:link

June Tasks: link


Morse (Lillipup):
Nature:Mild/Highly Curious
Ice Fang:Morse bites his opponent with his teeth covered with ice.
Dig:Morse digs and gets quickly underground,he uses this movement to get closer or farther of his opponents,or for do a surprise attack,He also uses for recover buried objects,or to open new paths to zones of difficult acces
Bite:A fast bite to his opponent,that is weaker than Ice Fang.
Protect:Morse creates a barrier around him to protect himself of the attacks.He also can surround his partners with the barrier,but it tires Morse faster.

Strenght:The strenght it isn't the strong point of Morse,he isn't very strong due to his small size.Morse,is,although very resistant and he doesn't tires he can resist a long time in battle,or doing a physic effort. This is due mainly to had passed part of his life exploring the north lands walking.
Agility:Morse it isn't very fast and he can't run at very high speeds,but he is very agile and have good reflex,what is useful to him to avoid attacks.His reflex are due to the sensitive fur of his face,that allow him to sense little movements.
Intelligence:Very curious by nature,his constant desire of learning and discover more things had did that Morse have knowledge of some things about the nature and the environment,like the Pokémon species that live in different zones.He also learn very fast.
Charisma:With his kind and gentle acctitude,Morse usually get along with almost all he meet.

History:Morse hatched in an extensive and exuberant plains fulled with grass,plants,lakes of pure water and 
fertile land where the most important commercial activity was the agriculture,in a little village were his parents,retired explorers(independents of the Explorers Guild of Andalusst)went to raise Morse.
As Morse grew in the little village,his curiosity about the world and the mechanical things grew with him,and 
was something that allowed him to learn many things. He usually walked and explored around the village,and was on one of his walkings when he found Lancelot,hurt in a wing because he tried to fly of his nest without being ready.Morse brought him to his village to he could be healed,and since that moment they became very good friends. Morse decided some years after leave his village to see the world and discover and learn new things,and Lancelot went with him.They explored a part of the north lands meeeting many Pokémon there, and after that Morse and Lancelot became curious about what was at the south and travelled in a ship built by them,that was one of their dreams. They eventually left the ship in a coast and finished arriving to the city of Andalusst.
Personality:Very curious about the things that surround him,intelligent,kind and gentle. Morse has an innate curiosity by almost everything that surrounds him,specially by the mechanical things and the nature.The curiosity of Morse had brought him to learn many things and to be able to learn very fast.The other big interest of Morse is almost everything that works with mechannical parts,being able to learn very fast how work that things. Morse is very kind and gentle,and his wish of be able to help others and doing the correct rivals with his curiosity and his wish to learn and discover new things,and in fact,he'll happily share what he know with others. 
His ability Pick Up adress him to found strange things very often,that he'll collect or try to found his owner.

Nature: Brave/Likes to fight

Peck:Lancelot gets near of his opponent and hits with his strong beak.It uses it to try to break hard things.
Fury Attack:Lancelot hits his opponent with a fast scuccesion of pecks. Its usually used after Aerial Ace.
Aerial Ace:Lancelot flies high and after swoops down to hit his opponent.He usually uses it at the start of the battles for get close to his opponent,but it tires him,so he usually only use it one or two times for battle.This move always hits its target.
Tailwind:A move very useful for Lancelot,due to his little resistance in flight.It creates an airstream that adress Lancelot to fly higher,faster and during more time,although is difficult to him to keep the airstream for a long time.

Strenght: Lancelot isn't physically strong,as he concentrates more in his agilty on movements,and base his battle strategy in the number of hits and his agility to compensate that.
Agility: Lancelot it isn't all the agile that can be expected of him,being a bird.That is due to a wound in the reverse of the wing that doesn't allow him to fly properly,so he have less resistance in flight and acrobatic 
capacity than other birds. Despite that,he is very agile in ground.
Intelligence: Despite his practical mind,Lancelot is more clever that he appears and he can understand very fast explications and differents situations,and knows how to react.He isn't a deep thinker,but he has his moments.
Charisma: By his serious and silencious behavior,Lancelot doesn't seems very friendly,and his habit of only talk when he has something to say doesn't help him much.Although,that appearance will disappear if others talk to him,as he actually likes the company of others.

History:Lancelot was born in the same big plains that Morse was raised,but unlike him,he didn't live in the village,he lived in a nest in a big tree near of the village where Morse lived.Although they never met in a long time.Lancelot was the youngest of his family and had three big brothers.Despite being the youngest,Lancelot soon highlighted as the bravest of the four,and he began to transmit this to his brothers.
That served them when they flew by first time,and following the tradition of the family,they left their nest to look for a new home.After the last brother that remained in the nest left their home,Lancelot was so impatient that jumped of his nest when his parents were out without being prepared,crashing with the floor and being hurt in a wing.Lancelot thought that nobody is going to notice that he was there before being rescued by Morse.Since that moment they became very good friends and Lancelot accompanied Morse on his journeys,as he also has curiosity about the world,arriving to Andalusst with him.

Personality:Lancelot is brave,loyal and impulsive.He accompanied Morse when he left his village,because he was curious too about the outside world,specifically about the differents cultures and ways of thinking of others.He has a very strong ideals and is very attached to his own way of thinking,but that doesn't mean that he isn't open to new ideas,because that he respects other Pokémon that have strong ideals.He wants to help good Pokémon. He also have a strong sense of justice that brings him to want to stop the Pokémon
that are cruel with others or steal for their own benefit.
Lancelot have a kind of sixth sense that adress him to know the strenght,temperathure and direction of the winds with just move his feathers.Lancelot a cicatrized wound in the reverse of his wing,that doesn't adress him to fly properly. He is very annoyed by that,and he is working with Morse to overcome it,although yet resent of his wound in the long flights.

Old App:link

Pokémon belongs to Nintendo.
My characters belong to me.
© 2014 - 2024 Spirit-nature
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Chobin-Hood's avatar
Your app is good except for one small thing. You didn't do the stats and 'Points Left' bit quite right. The way you have it, the bonus points count toward the stat total, which they aren't supposed to. The bonus points are separate from the 10 you get to assign to the other stats. So, for example, for Lancelot you have it this way:

Strength: 3                Agility: 2
Intelligence: 3           Charisma: 1

Total Points Left: 3/10
Type Bonus: Flying -> Agility

But the bonus points aren't supposed to count toward the 'Points Left', so that part should read

Total Points Left: 1/10

Since you have 1 point left, assuming you didn't use the bonus points. And if you want to apply your bonus points to a stat, again using Lancelot as an example, you would write out the bonus points you want to give him next to the stat number in parenthesis. So

Strength: 3                Agility: 2(+2)
Intelligence: 3           Charisma: 1

Doing it that way shows that Lancelot's base Agility, without the bonus, is 2. And the bonus gives it a (+2), totalling to 4. You don't have to use the whole bonus, and can give a pokemon (+1) instead, or not use the bonus at all, if you don't feel like it.

I hope I wasn't too confusing there. I'll try to clarify for you, if I can. Please be sure to correct the stats for both pokemon.